Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time for filing disqualification motions

Date: March 16, 2010
Admin: 2009-04
Rule: MCR 2.003
Effective: immediate

As a followup to the Court's November 25, 2009 order, it has now adopted deadlines for the filing of any motion to disqualify a judge or justice:

Trial court - within 14 days of the discovery of grounds
Court of Appeals - within 14 days of assignment of the judge or of the discovery of grounds
Supreme Court -
  • appellant - with the application
  • appellee - within 28 days of the application or within 28 days the discovery of grounds

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Amendments to SCAO forms

This page is where the amendments are found.

An example:
MC 326, Notice of Hearing and Motion: Several court employees have questioned the need for a proof of service on this form. The proof of service was added in 2005, but there is no background on the reason for including it. It is suggested the proof of service be removed. If it is not removed, it should be amended to comply with the standards set forth in MCR 2.107, and not MCR 2.105.